T-Blades - First thoughts

T-Blades are a small high quality steel profile attached a tough plastic carrier that in turn is mounted on a tough plastic system that mounts to a skate boot.

This sytem allows for a you to choose a performance profile from 16 combinations. Then when you change out the blades you get the same relative performance every time. I've been describing it as similar to the cartridge on a razor.

All of this is delivered through a an incredibly light package.

The company is located in Germany. I filled out their contact page in both english and google translated German. None of those contacts were responded to. I was attempting to order custom skates and the process was failing. Both the e-mail and custom process could be due to technical issues.

I decided to go with an available pair of Bauer Vapor X250s. I ordered them on Tuesday morning there time and they arrived 6:30pm Friday night my time in Los Angeles . Couldn't be happier with that.

What I ordered and why?

I went with the Bauer Skate shown above. A Black and Red combination that I was OK with. I then ordered "clips and black stabilizers" to be able to "black out" the skates. Basically black versions of all the red parts of the blade holders.

I ordered 3 sets of replacement blades to have spares and 1 from each performance specification agility = Low, Medium, and Super and varying hollow grinds to see if I could find a sweet spot for me.

I bought tools, 2 Aluminum T-Blade screw drivers ( one for home, one for my skate bag ) , 2 sets of replacement mounting screws ( one for home, one for my skate bag ), one T- blade power screw driver bit for home. I prefer to feel tightening things by hand.

This pushed my purchase to " free shipping" but allows me repair or replace parts at the rink and on my home workbench.

Only 2 issues with my shipment, first while listed the Black Stabilizers were missing. Second based on the picture I expected red laces, I got white. This is not a big issue as included laces are normally cheap and too short for the way I tie my skates. I sent an to them e-mail Friday night. It is the weekend there and they don't open until Monday we will see how they handle the stabilizers issue.

They seem to offer a lot of options, there is much that is shown, that is out of stock. The one thing I found annoying is no ability to order any blade covers other than "soakers." I can pick them up locally but I was trying to support them and have branded covers.

So what are they like? Incredibly light!

As Patrick from Alpine Ice said - "People either love them or hate them. Not much in between"

I can't say I love them, I in no way hate them. I have been skating on one skate blade profile for more that 17 years. When I hold up the T-blade profile to my Hockey Skates, the blade is between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch shorter, whoever I found i was slipping on the "nose" of the blade, In my Hockey blades this is a radius, on the T-Blade it's more of an angle and that is the biggest difference.

This causes some slip where I expect grip. I'm sure I can adjust my style to match this.

The T-Blades came with - M -18 - 264

I skated a full session on them. I decided to change them out for my L- 13 -264.

They are light and quick, nibble. I am able to make tighter turns and keep a grip while doing them. They are new, not broken in yet. The front edge with a diffrent profile will take some adapting. I will say over all the skates are a positive experience. They feel tight and right.

They look great, they sound wicked and turn sharp.

More to come next week

** postscript - They offered to handle my issue however I wanted. I elected to have the stabilizers sent out. All is good!